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Голубая ФЦ PB15:4 Phthalocyanine Blue NCF
. Амстердам масло - Роял-Таленс (Голландия )

Blue Phthalocyanine Beta Form;
Cerulean Blue Hue (primaire) [SE];
Copper Phthalocyanine Blue;
Cyanine Blue NCF;
Manganese Blue Hue [GB];
Manganese Blue Phthalo [RT];
Phthalo Blue [CL, DB, RT];
Phthalo Blue Green [RT];
Phthalo Blue (Green Shade) [GO];
Phthalo Blue G.S.;
Phthalocyanine Beta Blue NCF;
Phthalocyanine Blue NCF;
Phthalo Blue (NCF?-Form);
Pigment Blue 15:4;
Primary Cyan;
Shiva Blue Light [SH];
Thalo Blue [GR];

Plus numerous hues of less lightfast or more expensive pigments (i.e. Cerulean; Cobalt; etc.) alone and In mixtures

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